Frequently asked questions

  • How to purchase the psychprofiler?
    Details on how to purchase the psychprofiler can be found here.
  • Who can I approach for software support?
    If you wish to obtain support on the psychprofiler V5.0 then please use "Contact the psychprofiler", or email with your query. We will endeavour to reply to you within 48 hours.
  • What is the latest version of psychprofiler?
    The latest version is psychprofiler v5.0, which has been updated to reflect the DSM-5-TR.
  • Does the psychprofiler work on a Mac?
    The web versions of psychprofiler will run on mainstream web browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, etc.) running on mainstream operating systems.
  • Will the psychprofiler support languages other than English?
    There are four components to consider alternate languages:
    • website (this website)
    • The psychprofiler assessment pages
    • The questions asked to the person completing the assessment
    • The assessment report
    Not all of these have the same priority for translation. For example a patient may have a primary language of Spanish, and is being treated by an English speaking psychologist. In this circumstance only the questions for the assessment need to be translated. You will be able to observe a "Select Question Language" option when completing an assessment. Although there is currently only a single choice of English, other alternatives can be created and installed relatively quickly. The capability also exists for multiple levels of reading age for the questions, or for regional based questions (e.g. biscuits in one region may be better referred to as cookies in another region). The psychprofiler team will provide language translations when the business case exists to justify the translations. Note that we cannot use an automated translation tool. The translations must be formally completed and accurate, otherwise the validity of the assessment would be compromised. Should you be interested in alternate languages or question variations for regions for the
    psychprofiler please use “ Contact the psychprofiler” , or email with your query.
  • How do I find a report for someone
    You will need to have your 6-letter Multi-use Licence code and also the Token Number that was generated for that particular assessment. It is recommended that when you send out an assessment you copy and paste the token number and the name of the person into an archive document for safekeeping. That way you can retrieve the report for up to a year by putting in those details in the relevant field windows. Click here for an assessment. It is not possible to regenerate a report for a previous assessment for one that was a single use assessment (i.e., where $5 was paid).